I pride myself on going for the weirdest, funniest, strangest costumes I can think of. I'm totally not against girls going for the riskier of costumes, just not my thing. While they are not always the most flattering of ideas they always make myself and friends laugh.
Past costumes:
The classic totem pole. This was at the beginning of Todd and I's relationship. He later told me that he thought it was so strange that I wanted to be this for Halloween. He was my Indian though :)
Me as Todd Hoffman from Gold Rush. (Great TV show on Discovery.)
Siamese Twins (super easy to get around Brip)
A witch in a sundress with clown shoes, DUH. I think me and my roommates yelled this exact phrase probably 50x that day. In my defense it was a last minute costume party and this was the only thing we had around the house.
Typical crayon costume, which was super fun to be but weird being the only fully clothed female at the frat party. (exhibit A to the left)